▼Ntimeloopfe | |
▼Ncommon | |
►Nbase_specification | |
CBaseSpecification | Base class for specifications in the Timeloop framework |
►Nnodes | Copy Node classes for parsing and processing specification trees |
CCombinableListNode | A list node that can be combined with others by extending |
CDictNode | A node that is a dictionary of other nodes |
CFlatteningListNode | A list node that flattens lists of lists |
CGrabParentAddMe | |
CListNode | A node that is a list of other nodes |
CNode | Base class for all nodes in the hierarchy |
CParseError | Exception for nodes |
CTypeSpecifier | Represents a type specifier for a node in the TimeloopFE library |
CUnspecified | Class to represent an unspecified value |
►Nnodes copy | |
CCombinableListNode | A list node that can be combined with others by extending |
CDictNode | A node that is a dictionary of other nodes |
CFlatteningListNode | A list node that flattens lists of lists |
CGrabParentAddMe | |
CListNode | A node that is a list of other nodes |
CNode | Base class for all nodes in the hierarchy |
CParseError | Exception for nodes |
CTypeSpecifier | Represents a type specifier for a node in the TimeloopFE library |
CUnspecified | Class to represent an unspecified value |
►Nprocessor | Base class for all processors |
CProcessor | Base class for all processors, which are used to modify the specification before it is passed to Accelergy/Timeloop |
CProcessorError | Exception raised by processors |
CReferences2CopiesProcessor | Converts references to copies in the specification |
CSimpleProcessor | An example simple processor |
▼Nv4 | Timeloop v4 Specification |
►Narch | |
CArchitecture | An architecture |
CArchNode | A node in the architecture hierarchy |
CArchNodes | A collection of architectural nodes |
CAttributes | A class representing attributes for a node in the architecture |
CBranch | A branch in the architecture |
CComponent | A component in the architecture |
CCompute | A compute component |
CContainer | A container in the architecture |
CHierarchical | A hierarchical branch in the architecture |
CLeaf | A leaf node in the architecture hierarchy |
CNetwork | A network component |
CNetworks | A list of networks in the architecture |
CNothing | A class representing a 'nothing' component |
CParallel | A parallel branch in the architecture |
CPipelined | " A pipelined branch in the architecture |
CSpatial | A spatial configuration in a system architecture |
CStorage | A storage component |
CStorageAttributes | Represents the attributes of a storage element |
►Nart | |
CArt | |
CTable | |
CTables | |
►Ncomponents | |
CAction | Represents an action that a component can perform |
CActionsList | A list of actions for a component |
CActionSubcomponentsList | A list of actions that may be taken as subactions of an action |
CComponentAttributes | Represents the attributes of a component |
CComponents | A collection of components |
CComponentsList | A list of components |
CCompoundComponent | Represents a compound component |
CSubcomponent | A subcomponent |
CSubcomponentAction | A subcomponent action |
CSubcomponentActionGroup | A group of subactions taken by a particular subcomponent |
CSubcomponentActionList | A list of subcomponent actions |
CSubcomponentList | A list of subcomponents |
►Nconstraints | |
CConstraint | A constraint in the system |
CConstraintGroup | A group of constraints |
CConstraints | Class representing constraints |
CConstraintsList | A class representing a list of constraints |
CDataspace | A constraint class for specifying dataspace properties |
CFactor | A loop factor (e.g., P=1) |
CFactors | A list of factors used to describe loop bounds |
CIteration | An iteration (spatial or temporal) constraint |
CMaxOverbookedProportion | A constraint that defines the maximum overbooked proportion |
CPermutation | A permutation of ranks |
CProblemDataspaceList | A list of problem dataspaces |
CSpatial | A spatial iteration constraint |
CTemporal | A temporal iteration constraint |
CUtilization | A constraint that defines the utilization of a component |
►Nert | |
CAction | |
CActionArguments | |
CActions | |
CErt | |
CTable | |
CTables | |
►Nglobals | |
CAccelergyPlugIns | A list of paths to Python files containing Accelergy plug-ins |
CEnvironmentVariables | Dictionary of environment variables |
CExpressionCustomFunctions | A list of paths to Python files containing functions to be used in expressions |
CGlobals | Top-level Globals key |
►Nmapper | |
CMapper | A mapper object that holds various attributes and settings for mapping operations in Timeloop |
COptimizationMetrics | A list of optimization metrics including delay, energy, EDP, and last level accesses |
►Nmapspace | |
CMapspace | Top-level mapspace object |
►Noutput_parsing | |
CMultipliableDict | A dictionary that can be multiplied or divided by a scalar |
COutputStats | A class to store the output statistics from Timeloop |
COutputStatsList | |
►Nproblem | |
CDataSpace | A data space object |
CDensity | A Density object represents the density and distribution of a workload tensor |
CDensityList | A list of densities for each data space |
CInstance | An problem instance object |
CProblem | The top-level problem object in Timeloop |
CProblemDataspaceList | A list of data spaces in the problem |
CShape | Problem shape object |
►Nprocessors | Standard suite of processors for timeloopfe |
►Nconstraint_attacher | Takes constraints from constraints lists and attaches them to objects in the architecture |
CConstraintAttacherProcessor | Takes constraints from constraints lists and attaches them to objects in the architecture |
►Nconstraint_macro | Defines constraint macros to be used for simplifying constraint specification |
CConstraintMacroProcessor | Defines constraint macros to be used for simplifying constraint specification |
►Ndataspace2branch | Resolves which data spaces are kept in which branches |
CDataspace2BranchProcessor | Resolves which data spaces are kept in which branches |
►Nenable_dummy_table | Enables the dummy table for Accelergy to placeholder energy/area |
CEnableDummyTableProcessor | Enable the dummy table for Accelergy to placeholder energy/area |
►Npermutation_optimizer | Optimizes permutation by pruning superfluous permutations |
CPermutationOptimizerProcessor | Optimizes permutation by pruning superfluous permutations |
►Nrequired_actions | Takes constraints from constraints lists and attaches them to objects in the architecture |
CRequiredActionsProcessor | Ensures that all components have actions defined for Accelergy Storage: |
►Nsparse_opt_attacher | Takes sparse optimizations from sparse optimizations lists and attaches them to the architecture |
CSparseOptAttacherProcessor | Takes sparse optimizations from sparse optimizations lists and attaches them to the architecture |
►Nto_diagram_processor | |
CToDiagramProcessor | Generates a Graphviz diagram of the architecture |
►Nsparse_optimizations | |
CActionOptimization | An action optimization |
CActionOptimizationList | A list of action optimizations |
CActionOptimizationOption | An action optimization option |
CActionOptimizationOptionList | A list of action optimization options |
CComputeOptimization | A compute optimization |
CComputeOptimizationList | A list of compute optimizations |
CComputeOptimizationTypeList | A list of compute optimizations |
CRepresentationDataSpace | Contains the representation format for a data space |
CRepresentationFormat | A representation format sparse optimization |
CRepresentationProblemDataspaceList | A list of representation problem dataspaces |
CRepresentationRank | A representation rank |
CRepresentationRankList | A list of ranks to be used in the representation format |
CSparseOptimizationGroup | A group of sparse optimizations |
CSparseOptimizations | Top-level class for sparse optimizations |
CSparseOptimizationsList | A list of sparse optimizations |
►Nspecification | |
CSpecification | A top-level class for the Timeloop specification |
►Nvariables | |
CVariables | A top-level class for variables |